Rating : 7/10
Release Date : July ‘08
Time : 114 minutes
Director & Writer : Remi Bezancon
Starring : Jacques Gamblin, Zabou Breitman, Deborah Francois, Marc-Andre Grondin, Pio Marmoi
The First Day of the Rest of Your Life
Simply brilliant way to tell a story…
This tells us the tale of the Duval family, comprising parents and three kids (2 boys and a girl), by showing us only 5 days in their life, though spanning some twenty years. We watch the kids grow, the parents age, the characters develop, deal with death and loss, celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and really understand what makes the individuals tick.

Its amazing how much we can learn about people merely watching them go about their lives over five days.
• Papa Duval – drives a taxi, is a very loving father (though has a hills and valleys kind of relationship with his kids), not very demonstrative as most men are, and is fighting against his father most of the time, struggling to find recognition and love, which he feels was always denied to him

• Mama Duval – lovely, trying to cope with middle-age, seeking her own place in the household (as most housewives are), joins a course in college and much to her delight, even shares some classes with her daughter

• Daughter Duval – much to her dismay, has to share some classes with her mom, we watch her grow from a little girl, looking up to her eldest brother, to a woman struggling to find love within her family and outside

• Eldest son – the rebel of the family, cant wait to get out of the house, wants to make his own mark, doesn’t think much of his father or younger brother though does try to be protective (till he falls in love) of his younger sister

• Younger son – the odd one, quiet, artistic, part DJ / part connossieur, finds hidden reserves of discipline and dedication when given an unexpected opportunity by his grandfather

How they interact with each other, how their relationship develops and how each one of them in their own way finds peace and love is shown in the most beautiful, real and gripping way possible

People in Hindi cinema who write complicated and convoluted plots have much to learn from this little gem in terms of script writing, editing and narrative style. And actors who exaggerate (don’t think I need to name them) can learn much from the excellent understated performances of each of the actors. All in all, a lovely slice of life film that makes us look inwards into our own relationships and actions…
Nice review.
its a gud movie...thanx for reviewing it and letting me know..
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