Rating : 7/10
Release Date : December, 2010
Time : 112 minutes
Director, Co-writer : Derek Cianfrance ; Co-Writers Cami Delavignie, Joey Curtis; Music Supervisor : Joe Rudge
Starring : Ryan Gosling, Michelle Williams, Faith Wladyka
Never seen a film which captures the desolation leading up to a break up as well as this one. A couple which falls in love and gets married now finds themselves growing apart even though he is a good father and faithful husband and she is a caring wife.

He is unambitious. She works for a doctor and dreams of a better life. She is crushed by the logistics of day to day life, the everyday burdens we all seem to carry heavily upon our shoulders, especially when money is an issue. He is happy being a father, a husband and cannot fathom what is going wrong.
Things are brought to a head when he plans a romantic weekend, just with his wife, their child left with grandparents. Will they find true love again ?

The movie is remarkable for its lack of histrionics, brilliant acting, screenplay and realistic portrayals. There is all the drama of a couple drifting apart due to no clear reason, not one big thing but hundreds of tiny little things which are laughable by themselves. There is the drama of one being content and the other restless. The anguish of one still in love and the other just carrying on, visibly so.

Love is a strange bird. I find more and more couples today struggle to remember what it was that made them fall in love, to remember the good and hold it in their heart vs all the tiny irritations of day to day life. This movie is a good reminder of what could be.