Thursday, October 17, 2013

Eighteen Plus Video Promo

Video Promo / Trailer for my upcoming book, Eighteen Plus, releasing Nov' 2013 via Rupa Publications
Pre-order links up at Flipkart, Homeshop18, Amazon and many other online stores


  1. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Well, that's a stroke fortune. Releasing all those endorphins into yr system makes u feel happier. Exemplary work speaks for itself. Need all d perseverance for d pressing work.

  2. Anonymous4:48 AM

    One who follows instincts, dares to take risks, using creativity to its full potential, this wud b cake walk. There is little u can't achieve. He puts out a vibe that suggests he is a no-nonsense kind of person. Man of substance at a premium !! Looks about as normal as it gets, entirely put together, totally competent, & completely sane...

  3. Anonymous5:22 AM

    What a refreshing change for an opener. So cultured & knowledgeable, without being pompous or pretentious about it. Admire his openness.. Incredible oomph !!

  4. Anonymous7:01 PM

    When will I learn to get d articles & prepositions right ?

  5. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I see in his work maturity, wisdom, d masterly skill, d expertise & an infinite ability..

  6. Anonymous10:26 AM

    One who judges rationally & objectively & has guts...

  7. Anonymous8:08 PM

    D denizens are going to admire your aesthetic sense. D video has been shot aesthetically.. D damsel is va va voom... Voluptuous beauty indeed...

  8. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Having graduated summa cum laude, he's turned out to b a writer par excellence. Extraordinary versatility. A futuristic novel.. It's yr baby...d future is up for grabs.. Majesty of d music..what a masterstroke! Gajgamini is sexy n sultry. Love lasts long... Amazing marketing skill... Booze-up young man.Bang for your buck..

  9. Anonymous8:41 AM

    All & sundry, rejoice ye !! 'Oh yeah!' 18+ treats d subject of love in a manner that has seldom been visited. Go-getter's innovative ideas..bold, upfront, upbeat.. D background score with its instrumental pieces.. it's not d video but d way it is presented that makes d kind u will read on a lazy afternoon, keep u glued & on d edge. Bottom line? It's a super-duper hit.

  10. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Leaves u ecstatic..getting rave reviews for revolutionizing our society. Salacious. A rewarding experience.... Romantic a writer. Rhapsodic... Bastion of knowledge..that's his U.S.P. with d motto "live in d moment." Everything we see, he has made from d sweat of his brow. None can beat him in his own game. A coherent narrative. Beaut !! Some people are just born lucky !!

  11. Anonymous11:05 PM

    We can't believe our good fortune, he's got d gift of gab!! Mellifluous.. d happy mean. A wonderful melange of old & new. He's a real mensch to do this !! All set for a terrific time ahead, all bets are off ? Basking in d warmth of yr loved ones & scions of d society. . Blue Blood has a pedigree of his own... So much media, digital, marketing hype must have taken a toll, don't u long to b far from d madding crowd ? For a change ?

  12. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Teething troubles over ? Lady Luck smiles financially ?? Enjoy yr fame. Hope d hard work done in d past many months has started getting d desired results.. because at d heart of it, sales is d engine that keeps d wheels of commerce turning, am I right ?? Enjoy yr fame. Use yr charm while autographing those books ! May u never tire of signing... & bloom with d sale of each & every novel.. Generosity is d sexiest quality a man can have. Wish u joy & happiness but above all lifetime of love... from yr ardent admirers....

  13. Anonymous6:45 PM

    U've brought sincerity & commitment into yr work. Am sure u're not like most MBA graduates hungry for intellectual glamour... This one is going to b a fortuitous find. Sadly, I haven't managed to lay my hand on one yet.. I'd love to know if anyone can tell me in Lutyens..

  14. Anonymous9:11 AM

    His writing is refreshing, even exquisite.. Such writings about leisurely episodes woven around imaginary characters & make-believe happenings, conveyed in impeccable British manner, could dispel at least some of d negativity that pervades our lives these days...

  15. Anonymous12:57 PM

    He's d kind of man who has drunk so completely of life that he can forever b spoken of in d present tense, far into d future. A man who has lived life on his own terms, with no apologies, someone who has spoken his mind with courage..disciplined to d pt.of rude (at times)...(don't get us wrong !!) What passion, what a life lived & enjoyed to d hilt... his prolific body of work, his humour, caustic witticism, his keen observation & lampooning of human behaviour... is rare enough to b cherished & enshrined in collective memory forever...

  16. Anonymous5:53 PM

    "If u wish to achieve anything in life, go for it with passion, cultivate a degree of madness, lunacy for it"... holds true for this young Chap.. Reminds me of Rudyard Kipling's words - "walk with kings - nor lose the common touch" . In his writings too, he has been a great communicator.. Different facets of a great writer... his dogged adherence to his intense beliefs & passion.... Sir, once d headlines are grabbed, d rest is all literature... Have yr say & sit back to absorb what others say.

  17. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Appu rv, don't sweat d small stuff.. it's gonna b a mouthful of satisfaction in every bite..How's d sweet smell of success ? Was wondering why The Book was not launched on 11.12.13 ?? A unique date.... just apt for yr novel..

  18. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Yr association over d years with stalwarts of literature, politics, sports, bureaucracy etc.etc. are all shot through with yr own essential spirit, with what u wanted of & drew from, life, what u believed & practised, what u thought & shared.. Mantastic..can talk to d elite just as well with d masses.. d mettle of d man... we have nothing but praise.

  19. Anonymous4:14 PM

    A man who is irreverent & yet religious in his own way, true first to his own self, brave for himself. In effect, a 'complete man', one who marches to his own drummer & refuses to make compromises.... Passion, indeed is a v.strong emotion, which invariably acts like a magnet for whatever it is directed towards. U have to feel deeply to want something badly, & try for it with all u have.. D people who make a difference in our life are not d ones with most awards & loads of money. Perhaps, sometimes it's Special to b ordinary... BTW, Did u invite d feisty Shobha De for d intense dialogue, book launch & to stir up d literary cauldron ? It's a puerile question...

  20. Anonymous4:19 PM

    OMG, u sh.get d award for fastest finger first...ever participated in Kaun Banega Karorepati ???

  21. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Elegant precision & his perfect sense of place makes him d most popular writer in his field.. d finest example of d genre ever penned.. On paper, his career trajectory looks preordained - typical path for someone in this line of work.. But that's not how it turned out to b.. A pinnacle of experience, an unexpected path.. these uncommon times need uncommon remedies.. u will b distinguished for yr u scrubbed d strength down to its essence.. One who is all pervasive even in absentia...

  22. Anonymous4:38 PM

    This Icarus of modern India.. this spectacle that forms d leitmotif.. An intelligent & original decoding of d business of 'sensuality' in trademark.. That said, he manages to assuage with a racy narrative, some riveting first hand accounts & some revelating insights... Rich ain't good enough.. ! Joined d club of Aces....

  23. Anonymous5:07 PM

    His legendary confidence stems from sticking to his credo : innovation, powered by willpower... A refreshing thirst quencher..d potential is certainly there for more fizz... People,.... indulge in a winner..

  24. Anonymous5:45 PM

    He is trying to push d boundaries & see how far he can go. That's d brand's DNA... P.S. - By winner..we meant The Book...

  25. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Life's lessons learnt from this writer - 1) Seize d opportunities that excite u. 2) Be brave & do things that u don't know how to do. 3) Learn from yr experiences. 4) Don't fear mistakes. 5) Be adaptable & make d most of d chances u get... going to b a heartening read.. hopefully shall get this weekend.. keeping our fingers crossed..bahut besabri se intezaar hai..

  26. Anonymous8:46 AM

    A bigshot in d corporate world who gave up a lucrative job to explore a path less offbeat route to growth. It appears his formula is working : Winner seems to just keep winning : d self fulfilling prophecy. Stick to d menu of sound strategies & don't let others' reactions influence yr choices.. Sunshine illuminates... we are so verrrry proud of You.....

  27. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Why have I alluded to this man ? Because, Reader, I think I see in him an intellect profounder, I regard him as d first social regenerator of d day - as d very master of that working corps who would restore to rectitude d warped system of things. They talk of his bright wit, his attractive humour, his comic powers.... I think no commentator on his writings has yet found d comparison that suits him, d terms which rightly characterize his talent..

  28. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Conventionality is not morality. D world may hate him who dares to scrutinize & expose - to rase d gliding, & show base metal under it, but, hate as it will, it is indebted to Him.

  29. Anonymous10:29 PM

    A biting social satire. Picturesque free-flowing imagination, stormy, intense & introspective novel.

  30. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Fasten yr seat belts! For here come stories that send u on a snazzy pleasure trip. An enthralling collection - sexiting. He's a real writer..clean, crisp with ideas & an imagination that shines in his words. How beautifully his stories seem to flow, like a stream & yet they have a specific direction, they're not just tumbling on blindly..

  31. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Doctors may never cure affluenza or wealth addiction, but I can prescribe a treatment for d winter blues : 18 Plus ... This subversive, slippery piece has appeared like a golden unicorn in d normally staid environs.. fiendishly clever satire, ingenious & incredibly fresh, a flashy & funny riff on d new gilded age..

  32. Anonymous2:16 AM

    The Condom Chronicles : Have u heard d term ghosting ? It's when u have a bunch of awesome dates with yr dreamlover, & then one day, he suddenly stops responding to yr texts : He had ghosted you.... Part of u might wonder, did my mate simply lose his phone? Or perhaps, go into hiding to make me an epic ? Ghosting--how fitting that this phenomenon takes its name from those invisible entities made up entirely of sadness... Maybe he just doesn't have time for courtesy. Or perhaps he just couldn't be bothered to get back to me. But then, He ghosted me... Whatever the case, it is pretty infuriating... but what if ?! If he ever texts me back? -- shall invent a new term, when that time comes....

  33. Anonymous11:53 PM

    There is something about Him. He Knows He Has It Him ..... d universe is not made of atoms but stories. Narratives are powerful not only because they capture d human condition in ways that facts, figures & logic cannot but they influence us in ways that become obvious only in retrospect....

  34. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Sexting: Fast & Furious - A woman never forgets the man she could have had; a man, the woman he couldn't.....

  35. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Fundamental nature of a human being is Always longing to go beyond d limitations that laws impose upon us. The heart cannot be controlled through rules & processes, much as we want it to.. Alignment is more about heart then head.. As life moves on & we mature ...Perseverance: secret of all triumphs....kernel of truth, experience is a good teacher. What impeccable lineage, Dear Writer.. "He watched her face intently to catch every nuance of expression".... Natural upsurge of energy, the process of raising your energies to their ultimate pitch, to dissolve yourself, that joy of complete surrender... Who isn't uplifted by appreciation ?? Very few are lucky enough to share a deep companionship of the soul..

  36. Anonymous5:50 PM

    A tantalising opening, cunningly constructed, fast moving, entertaining set of stories...certain to delight his many fans. Appu rv Nagpal is loved & known by millions. His novel turns pain to joy, gives his readers hope & the promise of new love when tears blind them..... With unerring insight, Wordsmith explores what happens when lives that fit together like delicately balanced puzzles are shifted, changed & drift apart. Can we hope to find the reality of once in a lifetime love at the core of irresistible forces.. He certainly pulls off some surprises with his conclusions.. Displays unsurpassed skill in making the reader wonder instantaneously what happens next.. The stories are superbly crafted, with characters that leap from the page with an authenticity seldom found...

  37. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Text of free press... d recent case of author Wendy Doniger's book .. free expression has come under fire. Why is censorship imposed I fail to understand. This sort of silencing has snowballing effect, it acts as pre-emptive self-censorship. 'Moral police' !! When one hears the sound of such silence, one needs to speak up & speak out more than ever before..

  38. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Taking Care of a Hard -On : A man has to be understanding & put his wife before himself. A husband should be a best friend with benefits! Let's just presume, the male libido, Poor thing, is uncontrollable once aroused. You can't change the goal posts once the ball has begun its trajectory. Such coital intimacy... Wow! Left me Breathless. Needless to say, a woman would surely be lucky to have a husband like this guy... (not possible in an arranged marriage though, .. an on going togetherness in a predictable relationship..) Marriage is a test of our strength & weakness... Be frolicsome in your bedroom.. A wise man once said, "get the mojo back".. Teach not thy lip such scorn, for it was made for kissing. For God hath given us the spirit of love.... After reading shall have 'nice' dreams in my afternoon nap..

  39. Anonymous9:58 AM

    The book is deservedly popular.. A good book is like a sorceress who dispenses happiness... revs up your life !!. A surreal soulmate.. He's a real doer, cosmopolitan... Just what the doctor ordered....

  40. Anonymous4:15 PM

    You are here for a long haul. Dear Writer, I feel you have the aptitude for writing a romantic novel.. here's fodder for thought.. Hope you'll do justice to it : But before they reached the exit gate in the distance, he swept her off her feet & spun her into his arms, his mouth crushing hers with an unknown passion that left her breathless.. Each time he touched was a dream come true. Was he her fantasy/ her reality.. every man in the world to her. Was it just the Sunshine & the wine... It was the curve of his mouth, the gentleness in his eyes, the graceful strength of his hands. It was an essence of power he exuded. Something alluring about him that made her absolutely ache for him. She said "take me".. his voice turned hoarse but didn't understand what she meant... The way he watched her with intelligence & interest, the sensitivity of things he said... She felt her insides melt as his hands briefly touched her slender waist, as they walked ahead holding hands admiring the British/ Mughal architecture... He kissed her gently at the parking lot & she felt stirrings she had never felt before & that night she lay in bed thinking of him, she felt a longing she had never known...or had remained dormant since years...her insides turned to mush.. ... .... can't write more.. volcano will erupt..

  41. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Should put an end to my fetishize.. that nostalgic smile, remembering distant childhood & long-forgotten love...

  42. Anonymous1:53 PM

    That's why I liked your book so much. You'll always get the truth from me, about what I think & what I feel. It acts as oxytocin for ladies The Love Harmone.. It made sense in terms of the realities, it wasn't filled with crazy dreams. You have such guts & such a gentle way about you. Both of those qualities showed up in your book. It is a most appealing combination. Extremely human. Something very reassuring about the written, an aura of quiet strength... Isn't it extraordinary to realise that your book mattered to people so much. Impressed with your major works of fiction. Opportunities like this don't time along that often, or maybe they do for you. There is something very wise and old and rare about him. Like fine cognac.... God send...Terrific... ....... there are some lascivious moments & puns making him feel good... as he smile the sexy smile that turned Indian womanhood on...

  43. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Raves for the sumptuous novel. The circulation rose with the majesty of a phoenix... Mr Nagpal, the writer suffers no pomposity & he embraced the popular... He knowns what the reader wants.... .... ....

  44. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Apurv Anandam...

  45. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Her Turn : Science has proven that smell and brain function is inextricably linked. Combined with the physically relaxing elements of submission in hot water, scent can help induce a high level of creative thinking and well being, liberate the mind from practicalities of life.. a state of euphoria. Elixir.. As Ashenburg said, "within the carefully curated realms of your own oasis, you're free to be whoever you want." The Book helps us connect with our own private, intimate, naked self. Here there are such vivid and varied portraits of happiness, love, lust, sadness, hunger... By seing them between the pages, we recognize them in ourselves & feel charity for our self. This is no small gift.. Stays with the reader long after reading..

  46. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Its said the rains bring out the best in a vineyard... Dear Writer, you must have been to all the European ones, but have you taken a tour of the Nashik Vineyards ? Must be fascinating to understand how full-bodied the wine is, how wine is made, processed and bottled....

  47. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Lush grape plantations looking so inviting and watching the sunset adds to the glory.. The basic difference between white and red wine.. Swirl the wine before sipping (I've seen others do it at parties).. Am lured to such places.. Wish could go ...

  48. Anonymous6:16 PM

    That means,... you must have been to the Swiss Alps too ! Wow man ! Tab to ek autograph to banta hai.. My humble existence, making ends meet.... Shall be a welcone boost... You are inspirational..

  49. Anonymous6:17 PM

    That means,... you must have been to the Swiss Alps too ! Wow man ! Tab to ek autograph to banta hai.. My humble existence, making ends meet.... Shall be a welcone boost... You are truly inspirational.. Achcha lagta hai na...

  50. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Apurv's verse moves like a river - effortless. Beautiful to behold in its natural ebb and flow, yet deep and much layered....

  51. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Kisi shayar ki gazal.. Keh bhi na paaye, reh bhi na paaye.. Warms your touch to feel..

  52. Anonymous1:42 PM

    He decided to step back from a high pressure job (The Book says so..) and spend time with his family and children. These are landmark moments of your children's life..

  53. Anonymous1:49 PM

    It's his compelling content that inspires readers. Apurv's sales climb from book to book.. Story teller who relies on desi themes, simple language, low pricing and innovative marketing to boost sales. Best sellers are not just written, they're made by marketing.. Tried and made a difference in peoples lives by giving back to society... It's in this altruism that our fulfillment lies..

  54. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Tried and made a difference in people's lives by giving back to society... It's in this altruism that now our fulfillment lies.. The untutored mind does not like to be alone with itself..

  55. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Taking Care of a Hard-On : Small differences of opinion could grow into an emotional firestorm that threatens a relationship... A man \woman must be big enough to admit his\her mistakes, smart enough to profit from them and strong enough to correct them..

  56. Anonymous3:27 AM

    How do you expect my poor befuddled overworked brain to recall ? Have searched everywhere, can't find his newspaper pic. What's to become of me...utterly foolish, why did I not purchase more supplements.. then... Now, rest of the night won't be at ease..

  57. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Apurv is an ingenious storyteller with a convincing imagination. No wonder his place as a bestselling novelist is assured. The mesmerized reader is held captive....

  58. Anonymous6:54 PM

    P.S. - Don't ever begin this novel if you have to go to work the next day..

  59. Anonymous10:09 PM

    I could smell his aroma, was not yet ready to be served..., but a strange feeling was sweeping over me as we kept on looking at each other. His hand tenderly grasped mine and i felt as if I were a leaf being borne by a rushing stream, we went together through the curtained doorway into the other room and lay down facing one another on the bed. Looking deeply into his eyes i reached out to him, we drew together, with a kind of desperate intensity.... and for the first time in my forty two rains of life, i held a man in my arms.. How grateful i was to feel his love...

  60. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Wanted to give him a nice, tight and crisp full body massage, until each and every pore of his body opens up and he feels the vital energy flow from his toes to his brain and he moans with pleasure.. His tantalizing smell...

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Brain ?? Nope dear, Toes to tip of his head... Now isn't that inviting...

    2. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Must be quite a riot, judging by the sheer volume of comments..

    3. Anonymous3:59 PM

      How's your progression\graduation to the next level shaping up ? Takes courage to be able to identify your strength and then to find pleasure in it... Ek shayari : To wo zaalim hai jo dil mein reh kar bhi mera na ban saka 'Galib' Aur dil wo kafir jo mujh mein reh kar bhi tera ho gaya.. Wah wah wah wah !!

  61. Anonymous10:20 PM

    His work ia an extension of his personality, insightful, interested and curious. His way with words-his wit, his wisdom, his irreverence is kind of stuff that sustains folklore. Women flocked to him to pour out their hearts. As someone astutely said,"To those who tell stories, many stories are told." A treasure house of knowledge that promotes thinking and seeking... People, raise your glasses to a toast...

  62. Anonymous10:23 PM

    The breadth of his brilliance can't be calibrated... Skinny Jeans : "Your dresses should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady."

  63. Anonymous4:53 AM

    It's about the vibe of a place that sets it apart from the many hotspots and hangouts in a multi-cultural city.

  64. Anonymous4:59 AM

    The more you get to observe other living beings, the more you tend to fall in love with nature and wildlife... Silence is probably the most penetrating sound in the universe and you get to hear it only miles away from civilisation. (You'll be the best person to elaborate on this topic).... The therapeutic effect of a few days cut off from the overwhelming preoccupations of city life can hardly be exaggerated...

  65. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Finding your passion is not about discovering what you like but to what extent you are willing to suffer to do what you like. Suffering, yes, is what describes the intensity of your 'obsession' or whatever you may want to call that restlessness that pushes you to make things happen the way you had dreamt them...

  66. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Tall by design, long on delight... Apurv's 18+ is the product of painstaking preparation, requiring the uncompromised union of both passion and precision....but fun's in the little things that we gve a miss in life.. Accolades and more..

  67. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Did you know : People who have a purpose in life tend to live longer than their counterparts who don't : Psychological Science...

  68. Anonymous5:14 AM

    According to Charaka, the legendary ayurvedic physician, the best aphrodisiac for a man is a woman in whose presence all his senses are aroused.. Give in to your senses ..

  69. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Tall by design, long on delight... Apurv's 18+ is the product of painstaking preparation, requiring the uncompromised union of both passion and precision....but fun's in the little things that we gve a miss in life.. Accolades and more.. Aagaaz yeh hai to anjaam hoga aur bhi haseen...

  70. Anonymous6:59 PM

    "Woman begins by resisting a man's advances and ends by blocking his retreat" -- Oscar Wilde.. Is it ??

  71. Anonymous7:00 PM

    You gotto love a woman who can get into the spirit of things...

  72. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Relatively neutral on the palate with a clean, citrusy touch on the finish. - A good vodka goes down smooth... Teases the imagination...

  73. Anonymous4:57 AM

    But then, there is His happiness - "Live where you fear to live. Forget safety. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. I have tried the prudent planning long enough. From now on, I'll be mad." - Rumi.. "I am a drunk, bewildered avalanche moving along somehow trying to follow Him."

  74. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Drunk ? Bewildered ? If an intellectual and spiritually evolved Rumi can be directionless in his pursuit, what happens to the rest of us ? "Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment." -- In order to love fully, you have to become Love itself. Like finds like... Merge with the moment and flow with it.. The more you resist love, the more it interrupts your state of mind.. His Love liberates me and takes me to another level.. Blissful..

  75. Anonymous11:13 PM

    A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us..

  76. Anonymous11:15 PM

    A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us.. Dear, can you pin point that, one, best drive ?

  77. Anonymous11:36 PM

    You must have been to the Himalayas too.. (Kashmir... The Paradise on Earth ).. Each time I gaze am left humbled by its beauty, grandeur and magnificence. Tranquil natural beauty, towering peaks... One cannot explain what one feels in words. The mountains converse with each one on different planes - you only have to listen and assimilate... How I wish I could bottle it up like my favorite perfume or wine and spray it in small doses or uncork its flavour and take a sip when I get bogged down by mundane Delhi life...

  78. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Blame it on the Generation Gap : We can save many relations, if we understand a simple fact. That people are not wrong, they are just different from our expectations...

  79. Anonymous1:05 PM

    There's nothing like satiating my desires to remind me of my morals and my guilt..

  80. Anonymous8:07 AM

    There is a time for everything. True lovers are destined to meet.. Sex must be waited for, longed for, artfully prepared and lingered for and reached as a pursuit of salvation... Making love is divine... Sex must come after the stage of true love has been crossed... When the act of sex involves true lovers, sex becomes the most sacred act...

  81. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Nothing spells dreamy like a delicious chocolate mousse...similarly, the contrasting flavours of this book will keep everyone guessing - is it savoury or is it a dessert ?

  82. Anonymous8:32 PM

    He had her with his words...left her huffing n puffing with excitement...... ......

  83. Anonymous8:33 PM

    We're programmed not to let go..

  84. Anonymous10:15 PM

    This one's out of pure imagination : By the time she arrived to his room, her stomach was doing summersaults. She was swept up in excitement of his desire. He was asking one question with his mouth and another with his eyes.. He had that look in his eyes and she was well aware he was all set to make the big move. He kissed her on rhe mouth..sensual..the real thing..he persevered, and slowly she felt herself begin to respond - a warmth sweeping up her body - a tidal wave of desire so long repressed that it took her by surprise - rendering her helpless to resist. After a few minutes his hands moved down - touching - feeling - stroking. His warm breath all over me... She threw her head back and surrendered as he exposed her breasts and his lips travelled slowly down to the tips of her nipples. It was all happening so fast, and yet she felt powerless to stop him. She kept saying to herself No no no but in reality .... It didn't matter anymore, nothing mattered. She'd reached the point of no return, he could do whatever he liked...consummating their relationship, she exploded like a dynamite.,. .... She lay back and opened up her soul to him. Loving every minute with him.. She had been lonely too long. She fell asleep in his arms, happy and content...

  85. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Haunting music with soulful music : Ye lahon gham ye tanhai, mohabbat ki ye ruswai, kati aisi kai raatein, na tum aaye na maut aayi, naina barse rimjhim-rimjhim....

  86. Anonymous4:21 AM

    La Senza : Bend it like Beckham and sell it like Victoria.. Both graduated from the same school of charm... Confidence, you have to have confidence - and he was brimming with it..

  87. Anonymous10:36 PM

    He always has an aura of confidence...

  88. Anonymous5:12 PM

    He is so bright-eyed and full of life. Such a smooth talker with unbrilded enthusiasm. The way he enjoys is infectious... The camera simply loves HIM.. A vivacious book writer with teased black hair.. His hair, dark and lustrous, at this age too.. His nice hypnotic eyes and he always has that big friendly smile... Looks at the person so appreciatively.. When it comes to women he knows his way around the block and back again... Am delighted to see him get the kind of attention he deserves... How one would feel being the centre of attention. To give yourself up to the moment...

  89. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Sexting : Fast and Furious - If sexting could be so sexiting and sensational...the actual (according to my imagination) .. The couple entwined on the bed made love fast and furiously until they climaxed with a series of grunts and moans..she rolled away from him, flushed and soo surprised at her own boldness, yet at the same time exhilarated... In the 2nd innings, he had only been in her life a fortnight, and he already had her in his power.. "You are passionate..." he said. She glowed with delight. She was anxious to hear him repeat the compliment. She'd been waiting to hear those words from him all her life...and that left her with a blissful smile..

  90. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Apurv should be applauded for his courage in dealing with such a sensitive subject and aesthetic depiction of sensuality... This book sure shot is a guide : How to make a girl interested... Ladies look out.... There is a new hot property on the horizon.... ..... Put all that sexual juice into your performance (writing).. Let the creative juices surge unhindered, ideas flow freely...There is a certain glow about him. Probably the glow of success... ..... ..... There is also something about being alone, totally unsurrounded by people - a rarity for you.... Must be invited everywhere, most nights out, always a party or opening or talk show.. Do you enjoy hanging out with celebrities ? Don't you ever get tired ? Live for the moment dear writer, we won't be around forever... There's a lot about you the readers don't know..

  91. Anonymous4:38 PM

    By the end of one story you would be on fire - adrenalin pumping through your veins like pure heroin...

  92. Anonymous7:10 AM

    He also has a deep aversion for jobs left unfinished...

  93. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Each time I read the last part of The Book, I start thinking.... Hey this is actually not the's the middle of the story. And yet, it's a great, emotionally satisfying end to the book. It inspires and continues to inspire ambitious and talented writers who have their own stories to tell, stories that don't necessarily fit into the rules of the game.

  94. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I so want to give Him a foot massage...

  95. Anonymous10:09 PM

    I can visualise his work station - spacious and comfortably furnished with a couch, a room with a magnificent panoramic view of the lush gardens.. On balmy days, a custom to have breakfast on the veranda with his loving family..a mini theater that was ideal for running his favourite films. One of the largest libraries in his study..easy chairs, maybe a wine cellar too.. What is your prized possession ?

  96. Anonymous10:15 PM

    He is a protean lover, passionate and skilled. More concerned about satisfying a woman than about satisfying himself.... He knows how to excite a woman's erotic zones and he orchestrated his lovemaking in a sensuous symphony that brought his lover to heights she had never achieved before...she found herself climaxing again and again...

  97. Anonymous7:07 AM

    He functions to excel... Yippie ! Reached my 100th
