Saturday, July 11, 2015


Rating : 8/10
Release Date : 10th July, 2015
Time : 159 minutes
Director: Kyle Balda, Pierre Coffin; Writer: Brian Lynch; Music : Heitor Pereira
Starring : (Voices of) : Pierre Coffin, Sandra Bullock, Jon Hamm, Jennifer Saunders, Geoffrey Rush, Michael Keaton, Allison Janney Steve Coogan

Non-stop silliness that makes you laugh. Very loudly.

It’s hard to describe what exactly made you laugh. But its great fun, as the adorable Minions, search for an evil master leads them from Arctic regions to America (and a Villain convention) and on to England. Encountering, along the way polar bears, an adorable bank robbing family and the deliciously devilish Scarlett (Sandra Bullock), who, along with her husband Herb (Jon Hamm), has grand plans, involving the Queen, to crown her villainy…

The movie belongs to the Minions though, notably three, Kevin, Stuart and Bob – who leave the rest of the pack in an ice cave – while they travel in their hunt for the heinous. Kevin is the leader of the pack, Stuart, a guitarist who involuntarily signed up for the mission and Bob, the enthusiastic baby of the group…

The music, the jokes, the slapstick humour, the comic timing – make it a rollercoaster ride, but one which, thanks to the gobblydegook language of our Minions, makes it very hard to recount in a review. Was it the escape from a polar bear, the banana hallucination, Stuart’s guitar obsession, the old Royal guard protecting the Crown Jewels, the hypnotic operatic dance, Scarlett’s bedtime story, the sight of the Queen having a pint, the unintentional ways the Minion’s lose their leader or the way the pack tries to find their intrepid three explorers…somewhere in all of that lies the answer to what makes you laugh so hard…on several occasions…

It does stretch a bit in the second half but still fun nonetheless. Go indulge the child in you…


  1. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Such praise...shall take my lot of 400 for the show

  2. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Which one should we opt for Inside Out or Minions ?

  3. Minions - more for kids, several laugh out loud moments; Inside Out - more for adults, more a smile / chuckle kind of film. Both worth watching

  4. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Thanks've been a great help..

  5. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Have you accompanied your daughter...helping her to collect sea shells from the beach ?

  6. I just found the Minions' voices quite irritating after a while I'm afraid.
